Hello internet, welcome to ATKR Studios.

Hello! I am Alan. Me and Kenzei have decided to start an actual game studio, as we have some future games/projects planned. This is a very big leap for us, and we hope everyone can have fun playing our games. We have decided to call this studio....ATKR Studios! Let me explain the name...

ATKR is pretty much me and Kenzei's initials smashed together. Alan T, Kenzei R. It also sounds like Attacker. So, we decided to go with that! And Studios is just a word we picked. (It could have been Games or Productions)

Currently, all we have is an email. We're working on a Twitter, Discord, and YouTube. The Twitter will be for announcements, the YouTube will be for trailers and gameplay reveals, and the Discord will be for general discussion.

You can contact the email at:   atkrstudios@gmail.com

This next paragraph or so will be from Kenzei.

Hey! Kenzei here, I'm the main (and only) designer for ATKR Studios. I can proudly say that we are doing this as a team of two and we are doing this surprisingly well! As this is both of our first times coding and designing (respectively), this is a huge achievement for us. I don't have as much to say as Alan, but this is very cool for us both to do.

And to think, it all started from a simple idea based off of Cell Machine...

Get Drag n' Drop

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